• 最會賺錢的中國人 = Zhejiang businessman:the most profitable wisdom of China : 浙江商人成功經營學
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 最會賺錢的中國人 = / / 王泓逸著
    Reminder of title: Zhejiang businessman:the most profitable wisdom of China : 浙江商人成功經營學
    remainder title: Zhejiang business : the most profitable wisdom of China
    Author: 王泓逸
    Published: 臺北縣 : 達觀, 2007[民96]
    Description: 278面 ; 21公分
    Subject: 企業管理 -
    ISBN: 9789866941276 (平裝)
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 

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