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Works: 10 works in 10 publications in 1 languages
三隻小豬/三隻熊 = The Three Little Pigs/The Three Bears by: 安徒生; 馮明岩 (Language materials, printed)
龜兔賽跑/樵夫和仙女 = The Tortoise and the Hare/The Woodcutter and the Fairy by: 格林兄弟; 馮明岩 (Language materials, printed)
青蛙的煩惱/老婆婆花 by: 世界兒童文學童話; 席爾(Scheer, Carolyn); 洪美靜; 馮明岩 (Language materials, printed)
老虎和柿餅/蜜蜂瑪雅 = Tiger and Kotgam/Honeybee Maya by: 本傑爾斯; 馮明岩 (Language materials, printed)
木偶奇遇記/螞蟻和蚱蜢 = Pinocchio?The Ant and the Grasshopper by: 格林兄弟; 馮明岩 (Language materials, printed)
醜小鴉/國王的新衣 = The ugly Duckling The Emperor's New Closes by: 格林; 馮明岩 (Language materials, printed)
白雪公主/青蛙王子 by: 席爾(Scheer, Carolyn); 格林兄弟(Grimm Brother); 洪美靜; 馮明岩 (Language materials, printed)
小紅帽/睡美人 = Little Red Cap/The Sleeoing Beauty in the Wood by: 佩羅; 馮明岩 (Language materials, printed)
灰姑娘/拇指姑娘 = Cinderella/Thumbelina by: 格林兄弟; 馮明岩 (Language materials, printed)
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